Command Line Options

  Streamer is a CLI program, therefore you can specify startup options for Streamer. When you start Streamer2 from the command-line, the arguments will override your current preferences. The ReadArgs template for Streamer is this:


  From version 1.15, Streamer supports standard AmigaDOS ReadArgs. That means that instead of putting the filename as the first argument and the public screen name as the second, you now have to use the keywords FILE and PUBSCREEN.

  Use FILE to specify the playlist or URL that you want to play. For reasons I don't understand, you have to put a "=" between the keyword and the argument, otherwise you can't specify an "http://" as a FILE argument.

  PUBSCREEN is also a keyword. It specifies which public screen Streamer will open on. For instance, if your web browser opens on it's own custom screen, you can get Streamer to also open on that screen. If you want Streamer to open on Aweb's custom screen, for example, you could specify streamer PUBSCREEN="Aweb". Streamer cannot open a screen of it's own.

  RECONLY will cause streamer to open in RECORD mode and not PLAY mode. This is useful to record a stream for later playback without having to listen to it, for example, when the bitrate is too high to listen practically. Since RECONLY is a switch, it accepts no argument: streamer FILE="mystream.pls" RECONLY.
When Streamer starts, it will then prompt you for an mp3 file to save to.

  When specifying ASKREC, a requester will come up, asking you if you want to record the file. If no, streamer behaves normally. If yes, you are prompted for a file to save the stream to and streamer works in play/record mode.

  QUIT will cause streamer to exit after no more data is recieved from the host, or if an error occurs. This is useful when streamer is launched from a web browser, as it saves you from having to close streamer before clicking on a new link.

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